Stream of Life


Longing  overflows

Travelling through veil of time

Converging waters

Spawning glacial memories

Leading to calming resolve


Colleen’s Challenge: Congregate & Passion (Synonyms Only)

About Olga

I have always had an affinity for artistic endeavors and the beauties of nature. The power of the word combined with photography have become my creative spark.
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13 Responses to Stream of Life

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Love the glitter!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Colleen Chesebro says:

    Olga, your photo, and Tanka poem are spectacular. I feel the magic breathing from your words. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ron. says:

    Tankalicious. And Hypnophotograbyummy.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Arati says:

    I like how the image seems to smoothly blend into the words.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Colleen’s #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge Recap “Congregate & Love,” No. 96, #SynonymsOnly | Colleen Chesebro ~ The Fairy Whisperer

  6. Pingback: Colleen’s #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge Recap “Congregate & Love,” No. 96, #SynonymsOnly | Word Craft ~ Prose & Poetry

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