Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 3—What Lurks In The Shadows

In the spirit of Halloween, I have accepted Hugh’s photo challenge, “What lurks in the shadows.” I sadly had nothing of interest in my archives, so I needed to wait for my friend, the Sun, to appear this morning.

Yes, my fear has to do with knives. Even though I’ve become an avid admirer of the culinary arts and do use this ancient instrument to create aromatic dishes, the darker side of its use is related to my “fear factor.” Horror movies with knives being wielded are not a viewing option anymore. I haven’t had a nightmare in ages, but my last one had to do with scary knives.

I was playing with the light and my camera on the deck earlier today, so here are a few photos that put my knife assistant in a brighter perspective.   (Hugh’s link)

About Olga

I have always had an affinity for artistic endeavors and the beauties of nature. The power of the word combined with photography have become my creative spark.
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26 Responses to Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 3—What Lurks In The Shadows

  1. Nice. Yes, knives are quite scary. Very threatening looking.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Hi Olga, knives are scary for sure. Nice, I mean scary photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Olga says:

      Thanks, Elizabeth. I really had an interesting photographic journey with this challenge. It was also cathartic in a weird way! Ha ha!


  3. J Lapis says:

    What a great post! I love the Minguzzi quote–and yes, knives are not good for much except food prep…. Your photos are very crisp–I especially like the last one, with the shadow.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Trisha says:

    I like the shadows of the knife! Cooking is when I find knives scary. I rarely use anything larger than a paring knife because I just know I’ll take off a finger, or at least part of one. That is one of my fears: amputating a finger while home alone!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Olga says:

      Thank-you. I do like playing with shadows. They make a photo so much more interesting. I’ve cut myself multiple time through the years while cooking. It always seems to happen when I’m in a rush and not paying close attention, but I still have all my fingers. Ha ha!


  5. Hi Olga, thank you so much for participating in this week’s photo challenge.

    That first photo reminds me so much of slasher horror movies. The movie ‘Halloween’ came to mind straight away. Great photos and I agree, very scary. 🎃

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nicely done! Have a great day.


    • Olga says:

      Thank-you, Karin. Glad you liked it. I usually don’t do long posts, so this was a challenge for me. Have a wonderful day also.


  7. Woolly Muses says:

    A real Hitchcock shot…love it, Olga.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That’s a sinister shadow, Olga. 😮

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Olga, these are primal and arresting. They bring out an elemental danger feeling that we all feel. Especially those of us who watched the movie Halloween at impressionable ages. 😉 I don’t watch horror anymore either!

    Liked by 1 person

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