Backyard Memories

My backyard is a cityscape now, but here are a few photo memories of what use to be. 


A toast to summers gone by  

A light breeze blowing and a glass of wine


This fellow watches me, then scoots away


…and oh how I miss those bleeding hearts


Good-bye to those lazy, summer days

When rainbows shone bright


Frank’s Challenge: Backyard

About Olga

I have always had an affinity for artistic endeavors and the beauties of nature. The power of the word combined with photography have become my creative spark.
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11 Responses to Backyard Memories

  1. Nice post and photos

    I used to quite enjoy my mother’s backyard growing up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Olga says:

      Thank-you, Paul. My mother always loved her vegetable garden, but her flowers brought her the most joy. Thanks for sharing your experience. ❤


  2. Wonderful memories Olga, it looks like a peaceful sanctuary 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. eddaz says:

    Lovely pictures you have here Olga and I love the rainbow most especially ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pranabaxom says:

    Lovely pictures.
    I was born in a house(rented) with lots of yards ( front / back/side) and vegetable gardens that could feed a neighborhood (my parents used to share with neighbors and relatives). I always used to be upset as being one of the youngest (at that time), it was my duty to water the vegetable gardens. At around my twelve years of age, we moved to our own house with zero yard. Still feel the heartbreak after so many decades.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Olga says:

      Thank-you for sharing your story. Zero yard is so sad. Gardens always make a lasting impression on children. In the first photo, it looks pretty empty, but there use to be a vegetable garden on the right side which later made way for an above ground pool (which was taken down during empty nest days). I think my daughters were the same and preferred swimming to helping in the garden. Living in an apt., I try to surround myself with as many plants as possible. Actually my daughter (who lives with me) started to grow her own tomato and basil plants next to a sunny window. She loves tending to them. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Tuesday Photo Challenge – Round Up 125 – Dutch goes the Photo!

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